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스마트폰몰입이 모바일웹과 PC웹기반의 의류쇼핑몰에서의 구매의도에 미치는 영향
The Effect of Involvement in Smartphones on Purchase Intention in Fashion Shopping Malls based on Mobile Web Apps and PC Web Apps
이정우 ( Jung Woo Lee ) , 김미영 ( Mi Young Kim )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2014-500-001797588

This study considers the effect of smartphone involvement for purchase intentions in fashion shopping malls based on mobile web apps and on PC web apps; in addition, it investigates the correlation between purchase intention in fashion shopping malls (based on activated PC web apps) and those of fashion shopping malls (based on newly created mobile web apps). The results of this study are: First, the analysis of smartphones factors showed that smartphones consist of 6 kinds of dimensions of ``appearance involvement``, ``time and information search involvement``, ``application involvement``, ``entertainment involvement``, ``communication involvement``, and ``transaction involvement``. Second, the higher the entertainment and transaction involvement among descriptive variables for smartphone involvement were due to the positive responses displayed towards fashion shopping mall purchases based on mobile web apps. Third, a higher application and entertainment involvement in the descriptive variables for smartphones resulted in a positive response displayed for purchases in fashion shopping malls based on PC web apps shown in a regression analysis that verified the smartphone and purchase intention relationship in fashion shopping malls based on PC web apps. Fourth, consumers with high purchase intention in the existing PC web app based fashion shopping malls were shown to have a high purchase intention in mobile web app based fashion shopping malls due to the results of a correlation analysis that analyzed the relationship between purchase intention in PC web app based fashion shopping malls and mobile web app based fashion shopping malls.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]