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여자 7-18세 3D 모델을 위한 인체 사이즈 스펙 개발
Size Specifications of Females Aged between 7 and 18 for 3D Body Model Development
최영림 ( Young Lim Choi )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2014-500-001797437

This study develops size sections and specifications for females 7-18 years old. The specifications will contribute to the development of precise virtual models that represent basic data for the size alteration of 3D virtual models. A total of 33 items from the 5th Size Korea data set were adopted and analyzed. Two representative factors (Obesity and Height Factors) were identified through a factor analysis of the 33 items. Waist circumference and stature were selected as representative variables for Obesity and Height Factors, respectively, and conducted cross tabulations between waist circumference and height for the age groups of 7-12 and 13-18 year-olds. Size sections were developed for the development of 3D models based on the results. A regression analysis then developed size specifications for each section with independent variables of waist circumference and height as well as dependent variables of reference body size. Subsequently, Obesity Factors were better explained by waist circumference and Height Factors were better explained by stature. Finally, size specifications for each section were developed.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]