A laboratory experiment was performed to investigate phosphorus and nitrogen removal from synthetic wastewater by an anoxic-oxic process combined with an aluminum corrosion reactor. In this system, the phosphorus was removed by aluminum ions generated by electrochemical interactions (pitting corrosion) of aluminum and copper. In the batch experiments, the efficiency of phosphorus removal increased with increasing aluminum wire length and repeated batch reaction. An effluent concentration as low as 1.0 mg/L PO4-P could have been obtained during the continuous experiments. However, the phosphorus removal efficiency decreased because of precipitates which gradually covered the surface of the aluminum and copper wire. The anoxic-oxic process combined with the aluminum corrosion reactor could have been obtained an effluent T-N concentration under 20 mg/L and PO4-P concentration as low as 1 mg/L during the continuous experiments after 180 days at HRT of 13.5 hrs.