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明代(명대) 儒醫(유의) 李□(이천)의 道敎(도교)이해
A research of Ruyi(儒醫), Li-Chan(李□)`s viewpoint on Taoism
성호준 ( Ho Jun Sung )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2014-500-001917991

Objective: The medicine originated from Taoist tradition which identifies itself with medicine, making a harmonic combination between taoist theory of life fostering(養生論) and confucianism was a everlasting task for Ru-Yi, Li-chan who attach great importance to Confucian-medicine. Differing from the ideological background of precedent medical theorists, made his own confucianism the main theory of medicine. I think we need a rational reflection over these issues and am trying to focus on it. I hereby analyse the Ru-Yi, Li-chan`s viewpoint on Taoism since after Ming(明)-dynasty during which his theoretical ideology has bloomed in chinese medicine. Method: I analyze the sentences in Li-Chan`s Yisuerumen(Medical beginner`s book, 醫學入門) From the perspective of Confucianism and Taoism. Result & Conclusion: Li-Chan understood Taoism from the viewpoint of Confucian medicine. Thus, He accepted the life-fostering of Taoism from the point of Confucian-moral cultivation. He emphasized the role of the Xin(mind, 心) and he was rejected Taoist mysticism. He interpreted Medical classics-Huangdineijing(黃帝內經) from the perspective of the Confucian classics and understanding of each other was similar position. Because he was a Confucian scholar and medical scientists.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]