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KCI 후보
仙(선)의 이념으로 기획하는 인간과 자연의 융화 -김동리 소설 읽기,1
Confluence of human and nature elaborating with philosophy of zen -reading Kim Dong-ri`s novels,1
홍기돈 ( Gi Don Hong )
영주어문 26권 235-256(22pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2014-700-001500712

King Dong-ri aimed for a world that a human being is confluent with boundless nature, which is labeled as a philosophy of zen by him. It worked on the evidence of his national consciousness because he thought that a philosophy of zen was generated in south Korea and it was embodied as a shaman called moodang in Korean, and also hwarang (the folk mind-cultivating group for adolescents in Silla) inherited moodang`s role. This is just a spirit of Silla. That is why we can see moodang or hwarang in Kim`s novels. Many a work including A Shaman`s Story showing the distance between human and nature need to be understood on the philosophy. Kim thought that various materials like reference, proof, verbal and accidental evidence, and lineage should be used to restore a philosophy of zen. Many of his novels written by folklore are the fruit of his methodology to approach a philosophy of zen.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]