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KCI 후보
상호텍스트성을 통한 현대시의 패러디 양상
A parody appearance of modern poems by mutual effect Intertextuality
이혜경 ( Hye Kyoung Lee )
영주어문 26권 173-196(24pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2014-700-001500696

Parody works are generally started from imitation impulse for original text, but the fetter of imitation sometimes makes a limitation for raising poet`s internal awareness to the surface. On the other hand, the problem of ``depth`` showing characteristic of parody, surface, is sometimes used for disparaging poetic value by acting as a flaw or difficulty of parody. This research intends to consider careful attitude to discuss mutual effect relationship and possibility to create poems deriving from it intensively by getting out of the fragmentary attitude to divide the boundary if it`s plagiarism of text or not. First, it examined external appearance of stimulation, given to poet, and the aspect of parody adopted as its method. It treats even the level of actual experience by expanding the range of similarity which has been discussed. Second, it examined the aspect that poet confesses his abyss discovering leisure from the suppression of parody through the parody. It focused on contradictory characteristics of parody, that inner side is hidden to appear inner side, external side is appeared and secret is kept in abyss. Meta text called by text must receive qualification of original text as it is, so the possibility of parody can be enhanced to the prospect of creation when others promote another meta text and its circulation is continued. To achieve it, first, the discussion about the original text of parody must be done more minutely. This research must be considered by examining theoretical level again and applying the experimental possibility to even recent work. Second, the origin must be examined by focusing on the second parody of parody work or his parody works. The experimental discussion must be continued by widening the range of application to even recent texts. For this research, it`s regretable to just examine new works experimentally rather than clear distinction and confirm the possibility of parody. This research is significant to parody stopping at superficial discussion and plagiarism discussion expand the prospect of creation and treat the subject of discussion experimentally. In the future, this research should be continued and expanded for the creation of poem.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]