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한정 명사구의 소유 의미에 관한 연구: 스페인어 자료를 중심으로
A Study on the Possessive Meaning in the DP in Spanish
서소영 ( So Young Seo )
언어학 vol. 21 iss. 3 319-337(19pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2014-700-001479616

In Spanish, the possessive constructions can be expressed in various forms. In concrete, there are two types of the possessives adjectives: post-nominal position possessives (or a long form that is used after nouns) and pre-nominal position possessives (or a short form that is used before nouns). These possessives adjectives behave like ordinary adjectives that can be used in noun phrases. Like those of English, the possessives adjectives in Spanish are a way of indicating who owns or is in possession of something. But the possessive constructions in Spanish is distinguished from the other language like English. That is to say, the definite determiner in Spanish can be used instead of the possessive adjectives. In these cases, two forms of the possessive adjectives can`t be introduced. And this definite article requires the presence of the dative clitic. The purpose of this paper is to examine the properties of the possessive constructions with the definite article and to apply that reanalysis to the education of the grammar. In this study, I propose that the definite article with possessive meaning must be redefined. To addition, we suppose that the DP with the dative clitic is derivied from the nominal possessive construction ‘N + de + N’.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]