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KCI 등재
The Value of Lecturing on Japanese Culture at South Korean Universities Utilizing Historical Materials
일본근대학연구 41권 273-294(22pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2014-800-001559258


This paper is based on lectures entitled “Studies of Japanese Society through Media” delivered at Tong-eui University in the first semester of 2011-2012. These lectures were a practice in teaching utilizing historical material. Media utilized herein include Ukiyoe(浮世繪) prints made in the Edo period, newspapers with Nishikie(錦繪) published in the Meiji period, and signboards written by the variant form of kanaletters. I analyzed the effects of this method of lecturing based on short essays written by students. Many Japanese struggle to speak about modern Japanese history at South Korean universities, and in many cases it is avoided altogether. Therefore, with the intention of stirring discussion amid such circumstances, this paper identifies the potential impacts of this method on Korean students studying in departments of Japanese language and literature.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]