More and more heinous crimes are taking place daily. Surprisingly, in some cases, the criminals behind these acts are not always adults. According to the Criminal White Book, the serious offenses committed by juveniles, such as murder, robbery, rape and arson, accounted for 4.4 percent, as of 2010. In particular, 2,107 minors were committed for sexual offenses. Moreover, crimes committed by boys under 14 are increasing. Therefore many people insist that we need to reduce the leeway given to offenders in this age group. Also, according to data from the Foundation for Preventing Youth Violence, one in five students suffered from ostracism, verbal abuse, beatings or extortion in school last year, and 31 percent of the victims considered suicide more than once. The issue of how juvenile offenders should be handled is contentious. The treatment of juveniles is an ongoing dilemma. Still uncertain is whether young law violators respond better to harsh punishments or to benevolent treatment. This study examines the recent status and countermeasure of juvenile delinquency in Korea. The study consists of four main parts: Ⅰ. Introduction, Ⅱ. The status of juvenile delinquency, Ⅲ. Legislative trends of juvenile delinquency, Ⅳ. The countermeasures of juvenile delinquency, Ⅴ. Conclusion.