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KCI 등재
선조 임인년(1602) 명나라 사신 접반의 교유 양상- 이안눌의 「東?錄」을 중심으로
Literary Interchange between Ming and Chosun through Envoy in Im-in(1602)
배주연 ( Joo Yeon Bae )
비교문학 61권 189-210(22pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2014-800-001520004

In the period right after Im-jin War(임진란), despite the difficulties of political and economic environment, there were more chances to interchange between two countries and they had a close interest in their cultures each other. Based on these backgrounds, the envoys of two countries had more desires to know each other and made a meaningful activities. Actually, Chosun government made a big scholar group for the first envoys of literary scholars like Cheonjun-Ko(고천준), Jeongkeon-Choi(최정건) of Ming to interchange their literary culture. They made a close interchange between envoys of two countries, they issued the book of poetry which contained the works written during their interchange after 12 years. This paper reviewed the interchange between envoys of two countries based on the Dongsarok(東差錄) written by Annul-Lee(이안눌), by three point of view, "their prides of participations of the meeting", "compliment for envoys of Ming for form`s sake“, "emphasis of mercy(再造之恩) from the memory of war"This study shows the type of interchange between envoys, and diplomatic literature for the envoys of Ming after Im-jin War.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]