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KCI 후보
최근 공정거래관련 집단소송제 도입을 위한 공정거래법개정안에 대한 고찰
A Critical Review on the Saenuri Party`s Draft Bill for Antitrust Class Action in Korea
주진열 ( Jin Yul Ju )
법학논총 29권 4호 555-577(23pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2014-300-001685950

While there is little doubt that class action may not only encourage antitrust victims to bring a case before the courts but also discourage firms to violate the law, there also exists critics against class action that emphasis on a possibility of abuse of class action. Recently the Saenuri Party drafted the Bill for Antitrust Class Action in Korea. Of course it is good news for consumers at large. However it should be noted that the Saenuri Party`s Bill contain many clauses that may unreasonably restrict motion of class action. So it seems that even if the Bill`s passed, class action might not be actively filed by antitrust victims. In order to avoid this undesirable outcome, the Bill should be modified to allow victims to file class actions in more easier way to purse their own right to compensation for damages.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]