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KCI 후보
2012년 행정소송법 개정안에 대한 평가와 전망 -개정방향과 주요 쟁점을 중심으로-
A Study on the draft of administrative litigation act
정호경 ( Ho Kyoung Jung )
법학논총 29권 4호 223-240(18pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2014-300-001685809

If the principle of rule of law means to protect the rights of the people and implies that state power is subject to the law, the system of administrative litigation is the foundation of the state of rule of law. The Department of Justice recently prepared a draft plan of the Administrative Litigation Act and hearings were held. The framework of the revision has been carried out since 2004 by the Supreme Court. It is the goal of consistent revision work to extent people`s rights and supply more remedies. The Administrative Litigation Act of 1984 is now out-dated cloth for us, because of globallizaltion of the Republic of Korea in the 2000s and high conciousness of the people to right. The main goal should be to raise the right to fair and effective remedy and it correspond to the diverse and international affairs as well as changes of the 21st century. The main contents of the amendment are as follows: A new remedial procedures of direct obligations for the administrative office against the illegal refuse of disposal or omissions. ‘The interests due to statue’ of the current regulations regarding standing changes to ‘legal interests’. It means to expand the possibility to access remedy for the people. Suspension of execution requirements become simple and ease, and the preliminary injunction in the administrative litigation is established. The possibility to transfer lawsuit between the Civil Court and the Administrative Court is made. Finally the scope of administrative litigation becomes broad.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]