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다양한 유청제품인 WP, WPC 34, WPC 80, DWP, LP를 Soymilk에 첨가하여 제조된 Mozzarella Cheese Analogue의 저장 중품질 변화에 관한 연구
Quality of Mozzarella Cheese Analogues Prepared from Soy Milk with WP, WPC 34, WPC 80, DWP, or LP during the Storage Period
진우승 ( Woo Seung Jin ) , 송광영 ( Kwang Young Song ) , 서건호 ( Kun Ho Seo ) , 윤여창 ( Yoh Chang Yoon )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2014-500-001855596

The purpose of this study was to develop Mozzarella cheese analogues by using dairy products in the form of WPC 34, WPC 80, whey protein, demineralized whey powder, and lactose powder along with soy milk. Soy milk was separately blended with 5% WPC 34 (A), WPC 80 (B), DWP (C), WP (D), and LP (E) and also with 10% WPC 34 (F), WPC 80 (G), DWP (H), WP (I), and LP (J). Blending of soy milk and whey products showed that increase in the proportions of whey products (WPC 34, WPC 80, DWP, WP, and LP) led to increase in the protein, lactose, and SNF levels of the admixture. A decrease in fat content was observed for all cheeses prepared from mixtures, relative to those for the control cheese. The nitrogen content within analogue samples was higher than that in the control cheese and increased with increase in the proportions of whey products within soy milk. Higher water soluble nitrogen levels were observed in cheese prepared from whey-product-blended soy milk than in the control cheese. The non-protein nitrogen level within the control Mozzarella cheese was significantly lower than that in the Mozzarella analogues, and, in the case of cheese analogues, it increased with increase in the proportion of whey products in soy milk. With regard to the physicochemical and sensory qualities of the Mozzarella cheese analogues and control cheese, the pH of all analogue samples, with the exception of the cheese prepared from group G, was lower than that of the control Mozzarella cheese. Rheological studies showed that the hardness of Mozzarella cheese analogues was lower than that of the control Mozzarella, while the elasticity, cohesiveness, and brittleness of the analogues was higher. The control sample had a higher meltability level than any of the Mozzarella analogues. Mozzarella cheese prepared with the traditional method had higher browning and stretching levels than all the cheese analogues, but a lower oiling-off level.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]