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구금시설(拘禁施設)의 인권(人權) 관료(關聊) 문제점(問題點)과 개선방안(改善方案)
Problems with Detention Facilities Related to Human Rights and their Improvement Plans
권오명 ( Oh Myeong Kwon )
아세아여성법학 vol. 12 231-261(31pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2014-300-001751260

In Korean society, detention facilities are sometimes perceived as blind spots of human rights, and decrepit facilities symbolized by oppr and over-crowded accommodation environment. And despite the fact that prisoners on trial are granted the presumption of innocence, they are treated like con-victs and abandoned without proper correctional treatment. Owing to the increase in various regulations related to human-rights, the correctional environment such as the treatment of prison inmates and human rights consciousness has been rapidly changing. However, due to the in-adequate facilities and insufficient preparations for the rapid changes, the prisoners on trial are still maladjusted to the environment that values human rights or experiencing confusion. While some prison inmates ignore appro- priate regulations and procedures, accusation, complaint and petition are in-creasing by denying the proceedings as a means to destroy accommodation order, but appropriate countermeasurres have not been taken systematically. For such reasons, interest in the punishment system to maintain order within correctional facilities increases, and from the viewpoint of prison in-mates, more lenient punishment system is demanded but administrators want more strict and powerful punishment system to control prison inmates and want to have appropriate exercise of authority be guaranteen institutionally. As right consciousness on detention facilities has been expanded and hu-man rights consciousness has been enhanced and correctional systems are socialzed and opened up, the scope of the act of limiting personal rights such as letter inspection, examining belongings, and physical examination for the purpose of safety of the prison and maintenance of order conflicts with the infringement of human rights of prison inmates, so controversies over these matters have been raised. Accordingly, this study examines the general concept and legal basis of detention facilities and the problems related to the infringement of human rights and their improvement plans.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]