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일본에 있어서 DV의 현황과 그 대처
The Actual Situation of Domestic Violence and Measures against it in Japan
( Byoung Chang Woo )
아세아여성법학 vol. 10 97-116(20pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2014-300-001750925

This paper reviews which legal and institutional measures Japan has employed against domestic violence and examines the consequences and recent tendencies of such measures. This study also includes a speculation on the necessity of further effort to prevent recurrences of domestic violence. Domestic violence is drawing much attention in Japan recently, and many case studies and investigations revealed the actual state of existing domestic vilence. Research shows that domestic violence lhas serious effect on the victim`s physical and mental health. Diverse institutions and shelters are expanding their aid activities throughout the nation. The first half of this essay surveys the history of welfare policies of Japan for children, women, and the elderly, and addresses the problems. In the latter half I focus on domestic vilence, classifying it. I then examine the related legal amendments and consider further preventive measures for the future.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]