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KCI 등재
Origins of central Asian silk ikats
( M A Hann )
복식문화연구 21권 5호 780-791(12pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2014-500-002025467

This paper is concerned with the development of the silk trade and in particular with silk-ikat production. Early origins are explained and issues relating to the development of long-distance trade are discussed. The principal trading participants are identified and the focus is turned to silk-ikat production in Central Asia. It is recognised that the vast bulk of trade, along what became known as the ‘Silk Route’ (or ‘Silk Road’), did not involve straight-forward or direct exchange between powers to the far east of the route and powers to the far west, but rather was done in stages between adjacent or not too distant locations. Diffusion of ideas was not therefore immediate and operational at one eastern or western extreme of a trading network but, rather, was a gradual process influencing adjacent participants, at stages between the geographic extremes over a long period of time.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]