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A Business Model View on TOYOTA Crisis
( Hyun Chul Kim )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2014-300-001644299

In this paper, Toyota crisis is viewed as a failure of TOYOTA`s ‘Made-in-Japan’ business model. GM clung to large cars and LCVs to get margin at easy market. It could not be sustainable, however, when the tide of high oil prices and environmental concerns were coming. TOYOTA could get markets of developed countries with high quality and efficient gas mileages. When the markets stuck and markets of BRICs were growing instead, TOYOTA could not offer reasonable prices to the consumers in BRICs. In the process of reducing cost to adapt the situation, TOYOTA was confronted with quality trap. By contrast, HYUNDAI penetrated into BRICs(China and India) and produced a lot of cars there. Owing to it HYUNDAI grew to one of top five makers in the world. These show that the business model has done important role in the competition among automotive companies.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]