본 연구의 목적은 아동복지생활시설의 운영실태와 개선방안에 관한 방향을 제시하고자 전국 아동복 지생활시설 중 충청남도내에 위치한 아동양육시설을 조사 대상으로 하여 정부지원의 문헌 조사 연구와 시설의 전반전 운영실태로 조사 분석한 결과를 토대로 아동복지생활시설운영 개선방안을 제시하고자 하였다. 설문조사 대상은 아동양육시설 종사자 중 사무국장과 생활지도원을 중심으로 하였으며, 정부지원 자료 분석은 2005년도 보건복지부의 아동복지생활시설지원 자료를 중심을 분석하였다. 조사결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 아동복지생활시설의 조직 및 운영에 대한 결과에서, 물리적 환경 측면의 아동숙소형태는 복도형(58.5%), 지리적 위치는 도심외곽(79.2%), 지리적 접근성은 매우 불편하다 (41.5%)가 가장 많았다. 시설설비면에서 아동상담치료실의 경우는 설치되어있지 않다(43.4%)와 휴게실이 없다(41.5%)의 응답이 가장 많았으며, 지역사회와의 연계에서 교류 횟수는 연 3회, 교류기관은 6기관 정도, 시설홍보지 발행여부는 분기별(30.2%)과 1년에 1회(30.2%)가 가장 많았다. 둘째, 인력관리 및 사회보장에 대한 결과에서, 시설종사자들의 근무형태는 사무국장들의 78.6%가 주간출퇴근, 생활지도원의 72.4%가 상주근무로 나타났다. 셋째, 프로그램 운영면에서, 정서함양 프로그램 및 사회성개발 프로그램( 71.4%), 인지개발 프로그램 (64.3%), 성교육 프로그램(57.1%) 실시 순으로 많이 하는 반면, 가족복귀 프로그램 및 상담.심리치료프로그램은 64.3%가 실시하지 않는다고 응답했다. 넷째, 운영재정면에서, 운영재정상태는 저조하다(42.9)와 매우 저조하다(35.7%)에 다수가 부정적으로 반응하였으며, 시설운영의 재정비율은 정부지원금(70.0%), 후원금(20.0%), 민간단체지원금(5.0%), 법인전 입금(3.0%), 자체수익금(1.0%), 기타(1.0%) 등의 순이었으며, 정부지원에 대한 만족도는 매우 부족하다 (35.7%), 부족하다(35.7%), 보통이다(28.6%)의 순으로 나타나 다수가 정부지원에 대해 불만족을 나타냈다.
The purpose of this research is to suggest plans for improvements in the management of welfare facilities for children based on the results of the analysis of management conditions of those facilities and governmental supports for them. This research was conducted mainly by the analysis of surveys and data of governmental supports. Among the workers engaged in those facilities, directors and life advisors were mainly surveyed. The analysis of the governmental supports was based on "The Data on Supports for Welfare Facilities for Children" published by the Ministry of Health And Welfare in 2005. The suggestions for the improvement of those facilities drawn from the analysis of the governmental data and the survey are the followings. First, for the questions about organization and management of the facilities, the most prevalent answers were that the type of housing facilities for children in the physical aspect was a corridor style(58.5%), that geographical locations were suburban(79.2%), and that geographical accessibilities were very poor(41.5%). For the questions about facilities, the most prevalent answers were that there was no counseling room for children(43.4%) and break room(41.5%). For the questions about public relations, the most prevalent answer for the number of exchange programs was 3, the post prevalent number of local communities for the programs was 6. The most prevalent answers for the frequency of publishing public relations pamphlet were four times a year(30.2%) and once a year(30.2%). Second, for the questions about management of workforce and social benefits, 78.6% of directors in the facilities were commuting and 72.4% of life advisors were residing. The majority of directors(42.9%) and advisors(34.5%) felt that they are overloaded with work, and 75.5% of workers in the facilities responded that they had difficulties within the place of work. While 78.6% of directors participated in educational training programs, 69.9% of advisors did not participate in the programs. Thirdly, for the questions about managing programs, the three most frequent programs conducted were emotional and personal development programs(71.4%), cognitive development programs(64.3%), and sex education(57.1%). However, 64.3% of the facilities responded that they do not conduct programs for returning to families and counseling or psychotherapy. 43.4% of the facilities did not offer systematic programs for early adjustment and 9.4% did not offer any kind of the program, making more than half of the facilities not providing early adjustment programs. There were more institutions that did not offer any kind of individual program(47.2%) than ones that offered some kind of individual programs(37.7%). 75.5% of the facilities responded that they conduct programs for children`s desire. 50.9% of the facilities had programs often not carried out by specialists, and 7.1% of the institutions had programs never carried out by experts. The most prevalent difficulties were financial hardships and shortage of the professional workforce. Fourthly, 42.9% of the facilities responded that financial status was poor and 35.7% had very poor financial status, making the majority respondents with negative responses. The sources of finance for the facility management consisted of governmental supports(70.0%), sponsorship(20.0%), aids from private institutions(5.0%), conversion(3.0%), earnings(1.0%), and others(1.0%). 35.7% of institutions were very satisfied by the governmental supports, 35.7% felt governmental supports were insufficient, and 28.6% responded that governmental supports were just adequate. Therefore, the majority of institutions were not satisfied by the governmental supports. The suggestions for the improvement of management of the welfare facilities for children drawn from the survey results and the analysis of data of governmental supports are the followings. First, an increase in governmental supports for the financial aspect of the facilities, securing balance of aids given by different local governments, and an increase in the private aids are needed. Especially, the governmental supports are very unrealistic since they do not reflect the rate of inflation. Furthermore, a lot of efforts are needed to increase the ratio of private aids in the financial dependency of the facilities. Secondly, the legal basis for placing social workers and the basis for financial supports from the government differed from each other. This has resulted in the increase of tasks for the facility workers and the worsening of the quality of service. Therefore, realistic arrangement of workforce and an improvement of benefits for the facility workers needs to be done immediately. Thirdly, expansion of public facilities for children`s welfare, reducing the scale of the facilities, and modernization of the facilities for the characteristics of children are needed. Plus, diverse utilization of the facilities in relation to local communities must be promoted through opening of institution facilities, changing from institutions only for residing children to institutions for general children. Fourthly, the development of programs for individual children, positioning of program professionals, and their expertness are needed. It is important to develop and conduct long-term programs rather than carrying out only piecemeal events.