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보육교사에서 구강건강행동 및 구강자각증상과 BMI의 연관성
Relationship between BMI, oral health behavior and perceived oral symptoms among child care teachers
안소연 ( So Youn An ) , 박소영 ( So Young Park )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2014-500-001951017

Objectives: The aim of this study was to analyze relationship between body mass index(BMI), oral health behavior, and perceived oral symptoms among child care teachers. Methods: The subjects were 310 child care teachers who worked in child care centers in Jeollabukdo Province, Korea. A cross tab analysis and a multiple regression analysis were conducted to find a possible relationship between oral health behavior, oral symptoms and BMI. Results: BMI in child care teachers was 35.1% and male and married teachers had higher BMI. Higher BMI revealed perceived periodontal disease in smokers. Higher BMI was closely related to perceived xerostomia and halitosis. Conclusions: BMI is a very important index to develop health improvement and obesity control.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]