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축제의 체험이 축제이미지와 축제가치평가에 미치는 영향
The Effects of Festival Experience on Festival Image and the Valuation of Festival -Focusing on Hampyeong Butterfly Festival-
윤세남 ( Se Nam Yoon ) , 유양호 ( Yang Ho Yoo )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2014-300-001627865

The empirical study was conducted to examine the effect of festival experience on festival image and the effect of festival image on festival valuation targeting people who had participated in the experience programs by visiting the Hampyeong Butterfly Festival. The study results demonstrate that festival experience had a positive effect on festival image, which is significant. In addition, festival experience had a positive effect on the festival valuation, which is significant, while festival image had a positive effect on the festival valuation, which is significant. The study results are meaningful in that the operation of various experience programs not only enhances the festival image, but also increases the consumption of tourists, leading to the income increase of local residents and the activation of the local economy.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]