This study aims to suggest implications on hotel HR management through the research on the influence relation with voluntary behaviors that increase the effectiveness of work functions and also hotel employee` perceived emotional labor contributing to achievement of hotel`s goals. The objective of this study is to provide the theoretical grounds that can systematically explain the influence of emotional labor on organizational performance by verifying the relations between hotel employee` emotional labor, followership and organizational citizenship behavior, based on the research trend mentioned above. As study methods to achieve the study objective suggested above, we aim to conduct literature research and empirical study. The literature research is to verify the relation studied through the advanced researches while the empirical study is to verify the study model and research hypotheses set up by the literature research through data collection and statistical analysis. The expected effects through this study are like below. First, it is expected that the theory about emotional labor will be extended by verifying the causal relation between emotional labor and internal mental state. Second, it is also expected to be able to suggest alternatives for qualitative improvement of service and emphasis of the importance of human feelings.