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원인불명의 보행장애를 비위허약형(脾胃虛弱型) 위증(위證)으로 변증(辨證)한 치험 1례
A Case Report of Wi syndrome(위證) Treated by the Way of Reinforcing Weakness of the Spleen and Stomach(脾胃虛弱)
유종호 ( Jong Ho Yoo ) , 구병수 ( Byung Soo Koo ) , 김근우 ( Geun Woo Kim )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2012-510-002584741
* This article is free of use.

Wi syndrome(위證) is the syndrome that reveals muscle relaxation without contraction and muscle relaxation occurs in the low or upper limb, in severe case leads to death. We experienced a 80year-old woman who had a Wi syndrome(위證), and treated by the way of reinforcing weakness of the spleen and stomach(脾胃虛弱).After being treated, the patient showed that symptoms (gait disturbance, ptosis, dysphonia) was improved. This result suggests that oriental medical treatment has good effect on Wi syndrome(위證).

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]