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음악적 천재미학 연구: "음악적 천재상"의 미학적 배경과 역사적 변화를 중심으로
A Study on Musical Genie Aesthetics: Focusing on Aesthetic Background and Historical Change of "Musical Genie Icon"
오희숙 ( Hee Sook Oh )
이화음악논집 14권 2호 73-116(44pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2012-670-002453879

From ancient Greece to the modern era, the notion of genius has been constantly related with artistic creation and has made an important effect on aesthetic thinking about ``beautiful art``. In particular, the notion of genius in music has been discussed throughout the music history due to its great significance. Therefore this paper was aimed to study musical genie aesthetics, in which the musical genie type was drawn based on the aesthetic philosophy on genius and reviewed in terms of historical aspects. Various types of genie that have changed depending on age could be drawn through this discussion: imitative-rational genie, original genie, unconsciously inspired genie, and so on. In addition, unlike the nineteenth century which was the golden age for musical genie, the context on twentieth century in which the notion of genie is criticized and rejected depending on social-aesthetic changes was also reviewed in this study. Therefore, this study on genie aesthetics does not only remain on the inquiry of genius musicians endowed with outstanding talent, but also has significance as a key code to understand the overall arts of music.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]