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KCI 등재
슬라브어의 호칭 체계: 권력, 결속력, 거리감의 상관관계
The Slavic Address System: Power, Solidarity and Interpersonal Distance
정정원 ( Jung Won Chung )
슬라브 연구 27권 2호 195-223(29pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2012-320-002351397

슬라브인들은 애칭과 부칭, 그리고 T형과 V형 혹은 3인칭 형태 등을 통해 청자와의 관계를 표현한다. 2인칭 대명사의 T형과 V형의 구분은 다른 대부분의 인구어에서도 발견되는 것이지만, 슬라브어에서는 T형의 사용이 비교적 넓으며, 여러 슬라브어에서 3인칭 형태를 통해 화자와 청자와의 거리를 넓힘으로써 상대방을 높이는 호칭법 또한 발견된다. 또한 슬라브어에서는 이름 자체를 부르는 방법이 발달되어 있어, 부칭과 애칭을 통해 사람들 사이의 관계를 정교하게 구분하는 것이 가능하다. 마지막으로 슬라브어에서는 "주인"이라는 의미의 어원을 갖는 pan과 господин으로 공식적인 호명을 하는 것이 가능한데, 이러한 호칭은 그 의미 때문에 공산주의 시절에 금지되고 ``동지``라는 의미의 단어로 대체되었으나, 이 새로운 호칭 형태는 원래 의도와는 달리 결속력을 강화시키기보다는 권력 차이를 강화시키는 역할을 담당하게 되었다. 본고에서는 객관적인 변수인 권력, 결속력이라는 개념 이외에 주관적인 변수인 수평적, 수직적 거리감이라는 개념을 도입하여 슬라브어 호칭 체계를 설명하였다.

The paper deals with the Slavic address system that reflects the interpersonal distances. The Slavic people reveal their interpersonal relationships in the affectionates, patronyms, T/V forms and Mister/Mrs/Miss forms. Although the affectionate forms exist in most Indo-European languages, the Slavic affectionate forms are more often and widely used. In addition, some Slavic languages, such as Russian, Belorussian, Ukrainian, and Bulgarian, have a three-name system consisting of a first name, a surname and a patronym. The Bulgarian patronym played a role of a surname until the early 20th century and the eastern Slavic patronyms function as a means to indicate that the given person is in the high social position or he is not quite close to the speaker. The T/V system is also found in the other European languages but the use of T form is relatively frequent and it is considered as an unmarked part of T/V opposition in most Slavic languages. Moreover, the second person can be named in the 3rd person form in some Slavic languages. The 3rd person form denoting second person makes the addressee higher than the speaker or formalizes the utterance situation, widening distance between the speaker and the addressee. The Slavic Mister/Mrs/Miss forms are divided into two morphological groups, i.e. ``pan`` type and ``gospodin`` type meaning "master/mistress." Due to the original meaning of these words presupposing unequal social statuses of the interlocutors, the communist authority banned their use. However, the alternative ``equal`` address forms meaning ``comrade`` obtained the formal and honorific meanings and ironically became a means to express "unequal" interrelationship in spite of its original lexical meaning. "Solidarity" and "Power" have been considered as a key concept deciding the address forms since Brown and Gilman`s study. However, the neutralization of the Power, unlike their assertion, does not always strengthen the Solidarity between the speaker and the addressee and vise versa. Therefore new parameter "interpersonal distance" had to be introduced. The existence of any of two distances, i.e. horizontal and vertical distances, can cause the lack of the Solidarity and consequently make the formal and honorific address forms appear.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]