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KCI 후보
효의 감성과 효의 가치 -조선후기 효 담론의 변화
Filial Emotions and Filial Values: Changing Patterns in the Discourse of Filiality in Late Choson Korea
( Ja Hyun Kim ) , 이경하(역)
국문학회 2005.06
국문학연구 13권 105-158(54pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2012-810-002440418
* 발행 기관의 요청으로 이용이 불가한 자료입니다.

This article examines the trajectory of discourse on filiality that arose in response to changes in the concept and constitution of the family during the Choson and the way in which popular discourse contested hegemonic discourse on gender and hierarchy. It argues that whereas the prescriptive works reconcile the tension between filial emotions and filial values through an ideology of harmony in which emotions, either through extension or transference, are made to correspond to values, popular narratives such as Chok Songui Chon, Sim Ch`ong ga, Chok Songui Chon, and Pari Kongju either reject the premise of harmony or when they uphold it, it is through the valorization of emotion. Seeing fictional narratives as embodying ``structures of contemporary feelings``, the article also suggests that these vernacular narratives are an evolving ``langue`` of a wide spectrum of people who coped with changes in the family and that as such, they were constituents of changes.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]