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우리나라의 폐자원 에너지 가용잠재량 분석 및 정책 방향
Analysis of the Available Potential Volumes of Waste Resources Energy and the Policy Direction in Korea
안세웅 ( Se Woong Ahn ) , 이희선 ( Hi Sun Lee )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2012-480-002206885

The aim of this study is to propose the basic direction for the policy of waste resources energy by estimating the available potential volumes of the waste resources energy in Korea. The estimated volumes were taken by reflecting the generation trend of wastes and the various waste management policies until year 2008. Based on these materials, the available potential volumes of waste resources energy are estimated to 9,550 thousands/year in year 2008, and to 9,890 thousand ton/year in year 2013, respectively. The available potential volumes of combustible wastes are expected to decrease because of the policies on reduction, activation of recycling and landfill decrease, etc. However, the available potential volumes of organic wastes are expected to increase due to increase of food waste, increase of food waste leachate generated from the recycling of food waste and increase of organic sludge, etc. The governmental target for waste resources energy in year 2013 is to get 81.2% of combustible waste and 28.2% of organic waste, respectively. For these reasons, the future strategy for waste resources energy should be focused to expand the organic wastes. This policy direction is very urgent and important to achieve the target of the "master plan of new and renewable energy" in considering the difficulty of increase of renewable energy.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]