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지혜 개념과 그 계발
The Concept of Wisdom and It`s Development
김수동 ( Soo Dong Kim ) , 문형남 ( Hyung Nam Moon )
교육철학 vol. 42 1-26(26pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2012-350-002381888

The aim of this study is to clarify the concept of wisdom and it`s development in terms of leadership educationally, philosophically, analytically. Wisdom is a way of being and is fundamentally practical in a complex and uncertain world. Wisdom is concerned less with how much we know and more with what we do and how we act. Wisdom is characterized as uncommon, common sense, being able to see the forest as well as the trees. The practical wisdom we describe is not the luxury of unworldly sages. Wisdom comes from vision, generosity, patience, right effort, mindfulness, discernment, and clarity. Wisdom is essentially practical. Wisdom is dependent on ethics, judgement, insight, creativity, imagination, and foresight, and the competence to contribute to the community. Wisdom is concerned less with how much we know and more with what we do and how we act. Wisdom is fundamentally practical in a complex and uncertain world. Wisdom requires knowledge but not necessarily a great accumulation of it. While knowledge that is constantly changing helps us decide and solve, it also produces ambiguity and complexity. Wise leaders allow for non-rational and subjective elements when making decisions. Wise leaders occasionally acknowledge the sensory and visceral as important components of decision-making and judgment. Wise leaders have a metaphysical, even spiritual, quality that does not bind them absolutely to the rules of reason thereby enabling vision, insight and foresight. Because wise leaders are humane, they produce virtuous and tolerant decisions. Wise leaders reason carefully and logically, use good judgment to reach better decisions. Wise leaders allow for non-rational and subjective elements when making decisions. Because wise leaders are humane, they produce virtuous and tolerant decisions. Wise people as leaders respect experience and tradition. They have a capacity to deal effectively with uncertainty. The interpersonal leader`s task is "to smooth the path of human interaction." The institutional leader`s task, however, is "the promotion and protection of values." In conclusion, wisdom is particularly appropriate to contemporary leadership. Understanding and developing wisdom-centerd leadership practice is required in education society. The methods to cultivate the wisdom are knowledge, study, reflection, experience, communication, discipline, application, insight, discovery, interpretation, meditation and concentration.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]