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한국판 의사 공감척도의 신뢰도와 타당도 검사
An Investigation on Reliability and Validity of the Korean Physician Empathy Rating Scale
강원섭 ( Won Sub Kang ) , 김용희 ( Yong Hee Kim ) , 장환일 ( Hwan Il Chang )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2012-340-002143055

Objectives: This study was conducted to evaluate the reliability and validity of the Korean Version of the Jefferson Scale of Empathy-HP-version(K-JSE-HP). Method: The subjects were 86 residents who are working at Kyunghee University Hospital. The reliability and validity of K-JSE-HP and the differences on mean empathy scores by physicians` gender, specialty, career, and personality traits were examined. Results: The 20 items(except 2 items) of the K-JSE-HP(emotional empathy, cognitive empathy) was associated with excellent internal consistency(cronbach`s α=0.88) in reliabilities. The correlation coefficient between sum and the general items of the K-JSE-HP showed appropriate scores. Individual items showed good concurrent validity. Empathy scores were inversely correlated with impulsivity. But it were not associated with gender, specialty and career. Conclusion: K-JSE-HP was confirmed in its reliability and validity. It can be a useful scale for evaluating empathy in physician with various specialty.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]