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거제도(巨濟島) 장목만(長木灣) 일대(一帶)의 삼림식생(森林植生)과 식물현존량(植物現存量) 및 순1차(純1次) 생산량(生産量)의 추정(推定)
The Forest Vegetation and Estimation of Phytomass and Net Primary Production on Changmok-bay in Koje-island
이호준 ( Ho Joon Lee ) , 김인택 ( In Taek Kim ) , 방제용 ( Je Yong Bang ) , 전영문 ( Young Moon Chun ) , 강재구 ( Jae Gu Kang ) , 김원식 ( Won Sik Kim )
이학논집 19권 43-78(36pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2012-400-001806152

거제도 장목만 일대의 삼림식생과 순l차 생산량 및 식물현존량을 파악하기 위하여 1993년 3월부터 9월까지 식물사회학적 식생조사와 환경요인을 조사하였다. Z-M방법에 의해 종조성과 환경요인, 식생형 사이의 관계를 분석하였고 중요치 등에 의해 군집구조와 동태를 파악하였다. 토양을 각 식생형별로 분석하고 각 군집의 토양비옥도를 분석하였다. 결과는 다음과 같다. Z-M방법에 따른 장목만 일대의 삼림식생유형은 초지, 상록수림, 식재림(곰솔식재림, 사방오리나무식재림, 리기다소나무식재림, 왕대식재림)으로 구분되였다. 모델, 녹지자연도, 매목조사 방법에 의한 식물현존량 추정 결과 각각 69,431 95 ton, 25,144. 20 ton, 56,759. 1 ton으로 산정되었다. 토양의 유기물함량 등 토양비옥도를 보면, 사방오리식재림이 가장 양호하였고, 곰솔식재림, 경작지(묵밭)의 순으로 낮아졌다. DBH 빈도분포를 보면 곰솔식재림이 안정된 종행으로 나타났기 때문에 앞으로 산화나 남벌, 토양침식과 같은 인위적인 간섭만 없다면 시간이 지남에 따라 종조성과 군락특성이 변화될 것으로 판단된다.

The forest vegetation, estimation of phytomass and net primary production on Changmok-bay in Koje-island was analyzed on the basis of the phytosociological data from March to September, 1993. Relationships between the species composition and sites of environmental conditions and the vegetation types were classified by Z-M method. Vegetation types and patterns, community dynamics and community structure were analyzed by important value, floristic composition, etc. The soil was analyzed and vegetation types was estimated to investigate the soil fertility of each community. The results were as follows: According to Z-M method, the forest vegetation unit of the Changmok-bay-grassland, evergreen forest, plantation(Pinus thunbergii, Alnus firma, Pinus rigida, Phyllostachys bambusoides)- was divided into 3 vegetation types. It was estimated that phytomass in the study sites calculated by model, D.G.N and tree census method was 69,431. 95 ton, 25,144. 20 ton and 56,759. 10 ton, respectively. In the meantime, annual productivity was 1,612. 0 g/m2/yr and net primary production is 7,293. 59 tons/yr by Montreal model. The organic matters which showes soil fertility were found to be moderate Alnus firma less moderate in Pinus thunbergii and the least in old-field. As Pinus thunbergii plantation was found to be a stable bell-shape, in the viewpoint of DBH-frequency distribution, this plantation would show species composition and community feathers unless some disturbances such as fire, grazing, or erosion would intervenes.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]