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지역 내 어린이집과의 연계를 통한 건강가정지원센터 교육사업 실천과 실용성 -동작구 건강가정지원센터의 부모교육 사업을 중심으로-
Implementation of Educational Project by Healthy Family Support Center in Collaboration with Local Daycare and Its Practicality -The Case of Parent-Edcuation Project Conducted by Healthy Family Support Center in Dongjakgu-
김양희 ( Yang Hee Kim ) , 한은주 ( Eun Joo Han ) , 방한별 ( Han Byul Bang )
생활과학논집 vol. 25 41-51(11pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2012-590-001599511

The purpose of this study was to examine how a parent-education project was conducted by a healthy family support center in collaboration with local daycare centers in Dongjak-gu in 2006 and what results it produced. It`s ultimately meant to lay the foundation for dynamizing the circulating educational project of Healthy Family Support Centers and for boosting their cooperation with local communities. After 58 public and private daycare centers were asked in writing to participate in the study, 16 daycare centers were selected. Two institutions each were visited on a monthly basis in and after March 2006, and a parent-education program was carried out once in each of the daycare centers The parents who received that parent education expressed a lot of satisfaction, as they gave a mean of 4.26 out of possible five points. Specifically, they were most satisfied with the accessibility of the places where the parent education was conducted, and it signified that providing education in cooperation with the local daycare centers was effective. As a result of investigating the satisfaction of the parents with education offered by the c1aycare centers, it`s found that they believed parents should receive parent education to have the right understanding of child education, and they were contented with the parent-education project carried out by the Healthy Family Support Center and local institutions. The findings of the study suggested that Healthy Family Support Centers that push ahead with educaitonal projects should offer a wide variety of services in response to the needs of local institutions.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]