This paper was based on the arguments of J. D. Bolter and R. Grusin who considered the new media as three traits of immediacy, hypermediacy and remediation to overcome the technological determinism of previous studies which claims the development of media technology determines the characteristic of art. What this paper aims is to get a grip on the subject deducted when the issue of reality of image is applied to new media art by introducing these notions of immediacy, hypermediacy and remediation. By doing so, it will provide the explanation about the reality of new visual image which can be experienced by appreciating new media art, and promote the understanding of the meaningful forms of expression which can be seen in digital technologies which was created by the artists. Through the media artworks, this paper seeks to reveal the intention of the artists to create new reality utilizing various technologies and to prove that it is a new process of reflection and introspection about existing medium and sincere attitude for the expression of another world. Through the serious approach to the media, the artists remediate the instrument which contains his/her messages. Therefore, it can be emphasized that reality is defined by the experience of the observer, and also it is a place to arouse affective reaction. By the effort made in this paper to examine the subject on the new reality of the digital image in new media art, I hope it could elicit new aesthetic discourse as well as continuous discussion about the direction of the image making process in new media art.