After stroke, many people have problems with balance during movement. Balance is essential for the optimal functioning of the locomotor system and the performance of many activities of daily living. The Functional Gait Assessment (FGA) is a clinical tool for evaluating balance ability during walking. The test consists of ten tasks, seven tasks of the Dynamic Gait Index and three additional tasks. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the reliability and internal consistency of data obtained with the Korean version of the FGA when used with people after suffering a stroke. One-hundred participants, at least three months poststroke and able to walk at least six meters with or without a walking aid, participated in the study (age range 30~83 years; mean±SD=58.8±10.9). Two physical therapists and two physical therapy students rated the FGA. Intrarater and interrater reliability of the FGA were assessed using kappa statistic and intraclass correlation coefficients (2,1). The internal consistency of the FGA was assessed using the Cronbach alpha. The Cronbach alpha was good (α=.86~.93). The intrarater (intraclass correlation coefficient=.92~.95) and interrater reliability (intraclass correlation coefficient=.91, .95) of the total scores administered by the therapists and students were good, whereas the reliability for single item scores when administered by the physical therapists was moderate to good (kapa value=.42~.97). This study found that intrarater and interrater reliability for total FGA scores and internal consistency were good. Therefore, the Korean version of the FGA can be used as a reliable tool to assess the functional gait performance of patients after stroke.