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임안(臨安) 다관(茶館)을 통해 본 남송조(南宋朝) 도시차문화(都市茶文化)
A study on the Urban Tea-culture of Southern Sung Dynasty Through Tea-salon in Lin-an
오원경 ( Won Kyung Oh )
중국사연구 vol. 70 141-167(27pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2012-910-001850255

A tea-salon is the most symbolic culture to represent the urban tea-culture. A social class was formed by the commercial-industrial development and the prosperity of city in Sung Dynasty. In Lin-an of the Southern Sung Dynasty, the urban citizens had been divided into their social strata by the rapid increase of the population and the complex composition of citizen. This kind of rapid change of city population had the function of tea-salon diversified. The tea-salon was the place for rich peoples and aristocratic intellectuals, in which th customers had some lessons for the muscial instrument and songs. In additions, the tea-salon had been also used as a sort of classroom for the dramatic narrative(shuo-hua: 說話) and lecture. The so-called “Shi-tou(市頭)” was a place for living in which commercial-industrial people were discussing their businesses. There had exited the “Hua-chafang(花茶坊)” and the “Shui-chafang(水茶坊)” which were used for the entertaining places to provide for dominating class and high-class citizen with consuming desire and pleasure. In conclusion, the tea-salon in Lin-an of the Southern Sung Dynasty had played diverse roles not simply for drinking a cup of tea but also for socializing, entertaining, learning and exchanging useful information for business.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]