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사이버 아동상담의 주호소 문제와 상담전략
The Chief Complain and Counseling Strategy of Cyber Counseling for Children
정현숙 ( Hyun Sook Jung ) , 유미숙 ( Mee Sook Yoo )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2012-370-000936263

본 연구는 사이버 아동 상담에서 내담자의 주 호소에 따른 상담전략 유형과, 내담자 호소유형과 상담자 상담전략 유형 간의 일치도를 인터넷 게시판에 상담 요청된 사례를 통해 알아봄으로써, 사이버 상담의 단회적 특성에 따른 상담전략 개발을 위한 기초 자료를 제공하고자 한다. 연구 대상은 사이버 상담 사례수가 연간 300건 이상인 사이버 아동상담 사이트 중 세 곳을 선정하여, 각각 250사례씩 총 750 사례를 조사하였다. 연구에 필요한 측정도구는 내담자 주호소 문제와 호소유형에 따른 상담전략에 관한 평가지로 분석하였고, 자료 분석은 빈도와 백분율, χ2 검증을 실시하였다. 그 결과 첫째 연령별 내담 아동의 주호소 문제는 아동의 연령에 따라 내담아동의 문제 유형에 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 내담 아동의 주호소 문제에 따른 내담자 호소 유형에 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 주호소 문제에 따른 상담전략 유형에는 차이가 있다는 결과가 나타났다. 마지막으로, 내담자 호소 유형과 상담전략 유형과는 일치하는지를 알아본 결과 일치 사례가 전체의 45.2%였고 비일치 사례는 54.8%였다.

This research provides foundational information required to establish effective counseling strategy in an online-based child counseling by analyzing types of counseling strategy depending on clients` major problems and conformity between counselee patterns and counselor strategy based on cases submitted for counseling to a professional child counseling website. Two hundred and fifty samples were collected from each of three professional child counseling websites which receive more than 300 cases annually for the total of seven hundred and fifty cases. The instrument tools used for the research were questionnaires on clients` major problems and the clients` pattern and the statistical data were analyzed using frequency, percentage and chi-square. The result of the research can be summarized as follows. First, after analyzing clients` major problems by age, it was found that depending on children`s age there was a difference in types of problems for clients` children. Second, after investigating if there was a difference in clients` pattern depending on the major problem of clients` children, it was found that indeed there was a difference in clients` pattern depending on the major problems. Third, after investigating if there was a difference in counselors` counseling strategy depending on clients` children` major problem, it was found that indeed there was a difference in counseling strategy depending on the major problems. Finally, after investigating if clients` pattern and counseling strategy were matched, it was found that 45.2% of all cases matched and 54.8% of all cases did not match. The result of this research is helpful not only for establishing counseling strategy for effectively managing cyber children counseling but also has its significance in providing specific guidelines for educating parents and counseling children based on major problems by age.This research provides foundational information required to establish effective counseling strategy in an online-based child counseling by analyzing types of counseling strategy depending on clients` major problems and conformity between counselee patterns and counselor strategy based on cases submitted for counseling to a professional child counseling website. Two hundred and fifty samples were collected from each of three professional child counseling websites which receive more than 300 cases annually for the total of seven hundred and fifty cases. The instrument tools used for the research were questionnaires on clients` major problems and the clients` pattern and the statistical data were analyzed using frequency, percentage and chi-square. The result of the research can be summarized as follows. First, after analyzing clients` major problems by age, it was found that depending on children`s age there was a difference in types of problems for clients` children. Second, after investigating if there was a difference in clients` pattern depending on the major problem of clients` children, it was found that indeed there was a difference in clients` pattern depending on the major problems. Third, after investigating if there was a difference in counselors` counseling strategy depending on clients` children` major problem, it was found that indeed there was a difference in counseling strategy depending on the major problems. Finally, after investigating if clients` pattern and counseling strategy were matched, it was found that 45.2% of all cases matched and 54.8% of all cases did not match. The result of this research is helpful not only for establishing counseling strategy for effectively managing cyber children counseling but also has its significance in providing specific guidelines for educating parents and counseling children based on major problems by age.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]