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KCI 등재
Effects of teaching and learning using edutainment on children’s learning English
( Jie Young Kim ) , ( Si Yeon Gu ) , ( Ji Hae Jeon )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2012-370-000961833

This study aims to investigate the effects of teaching English through Edutainment on children's general English competence, interest and confidence levels, and long-term memory of vocabulary. To achieve this goal, twenty students in third to fifth grade were selected for the study based on the results of the pretests. Ten students were in the experiment group studying using various edutainment contents and the other ten were in the control group using normal classroom materials. Both groups learned four different topics for six weeks. After six-week treatment, posttests were taken to all students. To identify teaching and learning using edutainment's effects on long-term memory of vocabulary, a delayed posttest was conducted four weeks later. The results of this study were as follows: First, the result of posttest didn't show a statistically significant difference in general English competence between two groups. Second, edutainment-based learning resulted in positive effects on interest and confident levels as a result of the post survey. Third, edutainment-based learning had a positive influence on children's long-term memory of vocabulary. To sum up the above results, classes using edutainment contents will draw children's interest and be an effective learning tool which can help improve their confidence, and consequently, it will affect positively on long-term memory of vocabulary.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]