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프로이트 관점에서 본 경제위기와 기독교상담: 제시된 2개의 사례를 중심으로
Economic Crises and Freudian Psychoanalytic Implications: From the Perspective of Christian Counseling
안석 ( Suk An )
목회와 상담 12권 84-125(42pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2012-230-000913414

This article considers two cases introduced in the text from a psychodynamic perspective, particularly in light of a Freudian psychoanalytic tradition, which focuses not only on clinical implications of the client who suffers from economic crisis, but also on realistic aspects of Christian counseling within the context of this economic crisis. The first part of this article looks at economic crisis as one of the factors for stress, one`s desire for wealth, and the client who appeals for help due to economic crisis from a Freudian psychoanalytic perspective. Then this article begins from a biblical perspective regarding wealth in order to suggest a Christian counseling perspective to the client who falls into a spiral of despair caused from economic crisis. And this also explores the role of a Christian counselor who analyzes two cases from a Christian counseling perspective and helps the client effectively. Through all these observations, this study may offer one to obtain an integrated perspective that adapts both a psychoanalytic perspective and a Christian counseling perspective so that patients with psychological stress due to economic issues can receive better treatment and specific help.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]