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KCI 등재
피부미용사의 건강기능식품 섭취 경험에 따른 섭식행동, 피부미용영양지식 및 건강기능식품의 인식에 관한 비교연구
A Study on Dietary Behavior, Nutritional Knowledge of Skin Care and Awareness of functional Food According to Functional Food Intake in Aesthetician
이해숙 ( Hae Sook Lee ) , 이은혜 ( Eun Hye Lee ) , 안홍석 ( Hong Seok Ahn )
한국미용학회지 15권 4호 1441-1451(11pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2012-590-001090093

The purpose of this study was to identify the status of health functional food intake and related factors in order to contribute to public health improvement in aestheticians at skin-care shops. Of 430 questionnaires, 394 were returned. A total of 390 follow-up lists of questions which were answered honestly, and were analyzed. The subjects were divided into two groups. One was the intake experienced group, which consisted of 236 people. The other group consisted of 154 people, and called "non-experienced group". Through a questionnaire, we surveyed the general information of respondent, the situation of health funtional food, eating habit, and the perception of skin care and nutrition. The intake experienced group`s mean age(p<0.000), education level(p<0.01), a career (p<0.01), exercise (p<0.01), the score of eating habits(p<0.000) and ratio of married(p<0.000) were higher than the non-experienced group. But, the perception of skin care and nutrition was higher in non-experienced group. As a result, the aestheticians working at skin-care taked health functional food to maintain and promotion the health. Accordingly that we will pay more attention to health promotion by establishing the social system so that the consumer choose right health functional food.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]