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연부 조직 내 원격전이를 보이는 악성흑색종 환자에서 시도한 Metastasectomy
Metastasectomy for a Malignant Melanoma Patient with Soft Tissue Metastasis
지성근 ( Seong Geun Chi ) , 김준영 ( Jun Young Kim ) , 이석종 ( Seok Jong Lee ) , 이재철 ( Jae Chul Lee ) , 김병수 ( Byung Soo Kim ) , 이원주 ( Weon Ju Lee ) , 김도원 ( Do Won Kim ) , 박호용 ( Ho Yong Park ) , 김유찬 ( You Chan Kim )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2012-510-001205027

Patients with stage IV metastatic melanoma have been traditionally managed with mainly palliative therapy such as chemotherapy, radiation therapy or biologic therapy, yet their overall survival is unsatisfactory. Several recent series have indicated a long-term survival benefit after complete resection, (termed "metastasectomy") of distant metastatic foci in patients with metastatic melanoma. Unlike other palliative modalities, surgery like metastasectomy can rapidly render a patient clinically disease-free with rather minimal morbidity, a short-term of hospitalization and a quick recovery time. This may prolong the survival and improve the quality of life of patients with stage IV melanoma if all the clinicoradiologically-evident tumors can be completely resected. We report herein on a case of performing metastasectomy in a patient who had malignant melanoma with soft tissue metastasis of the breast (T3a/bN0M1a), even though there was a regrettable result. (Korean J Dermatol 2009;47(12):1379∼1384)

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]