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야영 체험이 심리적 웰빙에 미치는 영향
The Influence of Camping Experience to Their Psychological Well-being
김향래 ( Hyang Rae Kim ) , 이준원 ( Jun Won Lee )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2012-340-000304865

The other side of recent economic growth and technological development has resulted in social problems such as environment pollution, increased stress, isolation of individuals, and increased adult diseases appeared along with urbanization and industrialization. These problems are becoming factors which are threatening quality of life of individuals, whereas the importance of leisure activity is increasing than ever as a way to enhance the quality of life. The juveniles may improve their quality of life through various leisure and sports experiences including local culture visit, various leisure & sports, well-being experience, orienteering and skill acquisition for tracking which are provided at the international camping. This study was performed to find out the effects of outdoor activity to the emotional aspect of juveniles through verifying the structure model of relationship between satisfaction about the experiences of the juveniles obtained through the camping, and their psychological well-being. To achieve the objective of this study, I collected samples of 250 middle & high school students who participated in the International Dynamic Korea Jamboree by using convenient sampling method. I used the total 235 samples as final effective samples excluding 15 samples which were not appropriate for the study. The data processing was confirmed by verification of appropriateness of model by using SPSSWIN Ver. 14.0 and AMOS 6.0 which was followed by verification of respective assumptions. The results of study verified by actual proof analysis are as follows: First, the commitment has positive(+) effect on self-realization. Second, the commitment has positive(+) effect on efficacy. Third, the commitment has positive(+) effects on happiness.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]