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ICT활용 문제중심학습(e-PBL)이 문제해결력과 학업성취도 신장에 미치는 효과: 농어촌 소인수 학급을 대상으로
The Effect of Improving Students` Abilities of Problem-solving and Achievement through the Instructions Using e-PBL -Focused on Small Classes in Farming and Fishing Communities-
김영애 ( Young Ae Kim ) , 박한숙 ( Han Sook Park )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2012-910-000251412

구성주의는 1980년대 이후 객관주의 인식론에 대한 대안적 인식론으로, 객관주의적 패러다임에 근거한 이론들이 지닌 한계와 문제점에 대한 새로운 대안으로 급부상한 학습이론이다. 이런 구성주의 학습의 원리를 충실히 반영하고 있는 교수 방법들 중 하나가 PBL(Problem Based Learning)이라고 할 수 있다. 본 연구의 목적은 학원 수강을 하기 어렵고 가정에서 학습조력을 받을 수 없는 농촌소재 소인수학급 학생들을 대상으로 ICT 활용 문제 중심학습(e-PBL)이 학업성취도 및 문제해결력 신장에 미치는 효과를 알아보기 위한 것이다. 연구대상은 3학년 8명, 4학년 9명으로 모두 17명이었으며 실험설계는 단일집단 전후검사설계(one-group pretest-posttest design)를 사용하였다. e-PBL 적용 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, e-PBL을 활용한 수업은 학생들의 문제해결력을 신장시켰다. 둘째, e-PBL을 활용한 수업은 학생들의 학업성취도를 향상시켰다. 셋째, e-PBL 수업은 학생들의 과제 해결력과 발표력, 보고서 작성 능력을 향상시켜주며 문제해결능력 신장에 도움이 되었다.

The purpose of this study was to exam the effects of improving achievements and abilities of problem-solving of students in small classes of farming communities. The tools of test were the comparison of the results of diagnose tests and the achievement tests and questionnaires. The effects of improving problem-solving was tested by the before-after-surveys, observing and interviewing diaries. The conclusions of this study are as follows. First, the instructions using the e-PBL improve students` ability of problem solving. e-PBL was the effective approaches to enhance students` abilities of task-solving, presentation and problem-Solving through collecting, analyzing and synthesizing of information and for creating new information. Teachers have to make the practical and ill-structured problems and puzzlers in order to improve the ability of problem-solving. Second, the instructions using the e-PBL enhance students` achievement, The e-PBL was more effective approaches than teacher-centered instructions, because students could enjoy the accomplishment and have the self-confidence in studying and take part in the learning process. Teachers try to guide and encourage students to study in right directions. Third, the instructions using the e-PBL improve students` abilities of task-solving, presentation and making reports, The e-PBL was also effective approaches for enhancing students` achievements. Teachers have to observe the students to study in right directions and should give the students the opportunities when they make the presentation with various and amusing methods, Teachers should teach the use of computers for making the reports as well.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]