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천식 아동 어머니의 지식정도 및 교육요구도 조사
A Study on the Knowledge about Pediatric Asthma and the Educational demand on Mothers of children with Asthma
권미경 ( Mi Kyung Kwon ) , 이경민 ( Kyung Min Lee )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2012-340-000231445

This study was conducted to provide the baseline data for preparing an educational program for mothers of pediatric asthma patients by identifying the knowledge about asthma, mother`s educational demand and the perceived educational performance. This study used survey design. The subjects were chosen from the mothers whose children have received pediatric asthma treatment or who have admitted in the pediatric unit of major hospitals using selection criteria. The total number of subjects were 63 mothers. The data collection period was from May 1st, 2001 to April 17th, 2001. Instruments used for this study were knowledge examination, educational demand evaluation, and educational performance. The data were analysed using t-test, ANOVA with SPSS PC(Version 10.0). The results of this study were as follows. 1. Mean score of knowledge about pediatric asthma was 17.95, which suggests the mothers of children with asthma have a medium knowledge level. The highest grade was knowledge about treatment and follow management and the lowest grade was knowledge about diet. 2. Demand for education showed 4.23, which suggests the mothers of children with asthma have high educational demand. The highest score was about exercise and activity in daily life and the lowest score was medication. 3. Perceived educational performance score of themselves showed 2.40, which suggests the mothers of children with asthma thought that health team do not give enough education to them. The highest score was knowledge about pediatric asthma itself and the lowest score was exercise and activity in daily life. 4. Demand for education and perceived educational performance about pediatric asthma showed significant difference in all areas. 5. There were no statistically significant difference noted between general characteristics and degree of knowledge, educational demand and perceived educational performance about pediatric asthma. In conclusion, there needed a systematic educational program development for the mothers of children with asthma. Especially, an education program for mothers in the beginning period of pediatric asthma should be emphasized.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]