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통합비만관리 프로그램이 여성의 혈중 지질대사 및 식습관 양상에 미치는 영향
The Effects of Combined Obesity Management Program on Blood Lipids and Dietary Habit in Obese Women
김영희 ( Young Hee Kim )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2012-230-000208963

Purpose: This study was to determine the effects of a combined obesity management program in obese women. The study also attempted to measure the effects of the program on blood lipid, body mass index, dietary calory and dietary habit. Method: This research employed a one group pretest-posttest design. A total of 251 obese women(BMI: over 25) were selected for this research. The subjects in a combined obesity management program (combined exercise therapy and dietary therapy) for 8weeks. Results: After performing the program for 8 weeks, the result were follows. 1) There were significant reduction in total cholesterol(t=4.10, p=.00), triglyceride(t=5.09, p=.00) but no significant reduction BMI. 2) There were reduction in dietary calory, but no significantly. 3) There were significant increase in dietary habit. Conclusion: From these findings, it was confirmed that a combined obesity management program for obese women can decrease TC, TG, BMI and increase dietary habit. Therefore, this program can be utilized for various population groups including women, and further researches are required on program for men, elderly.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]