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2007년도 상사법학계(商事法學界) 및 중요상사판례(重要商事判例)의 동향
Comment on the Korean Supreme Court Judgement about the Commercial Law in 2007
최완진 ( Wan Jin Choi )
경영법률 vol. 18 iss. 2 139-161(23pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2012-530-000096604
* This article cannot be purchased.

This year the Supreme Court of Korea made several important case laws affecting the commercial activities of a merchant and corporate. This article reviews the facts and decisions of cases(ex. about the fictitious merchant, the employee with a partial comprehensive rights, the transfer of business, the business judgement rule, the responsibility of directors, the general meeting of shareholders, ect.) in detail and examines their legal implications in general.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]