This study was conducted in cut rose cultivation field in Goyang to evaluate pesticide exposure of farmers and the relationship between the exposure and work environment/method for cut rose farmers. Dermal exposure was assessed with patch (thin chromatography layer paper), cotton glove by body parts during mixing and spraying works in which pyrethroid, organophosphate, carbamate pesticide were used in 4 cut rose greenhouses located in Goyang province, checking characteristics of environment/working method at the same time. Body parts assessed were as follows; glove: hand, patch: head, neck(front/back), chest, back, shoulder(right/left), upperarm(right/left), forearm(right/left), thigh(right/left), shin(right/left). Pesticides were analyzed using gas chromatography(NPD/FID) after extracting with ethyl acetate. Exposure amount differed according to pesticide type. But after standardizing with total net weight of pesticide sprayed, there were no significant difference among pesticides. There were significant difference in exposure amount among body parts(especially exposure amount of thigh, shin were more than the others), which means exposure happen not by pesticide dispersion in air but by contact with cut rose(leaf, branch) indirectly. Walking forward during spraying made farmers more exposed than waling backward, these results means contacts with leaves/branches made exposure happen in cut rose greenhouse also. As a result, pesticide exposure in cut rose greenhouse was related with contact of leaf/branch which pesticide remained in, which made exposure pattern (especially exposure amount) differ by body parts.