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건강위해성평가에 의한 사무실 실내공기오염물질의 관리항목 확대
Extension Possibility of Indoor Air Standards in Office Building by Health Risk Assessment
노영만 ( Young Man Roh ) , 이철민 ( Cheol Min Lee ) , 김윤신 ( Yoon Shin Kim ) , 김석원 ( Seok Won Kim ) , 김치년 ( Chi Nyon Kim ) , 김현욱 ( Hyun Wook Kim ) , 조기홍 ( Kee Hong Cho ) , 최호춘 ( Ho Chun Choi ) , 김정만 ( Jung Man Kim )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2012-340-000219127

This study was performed to deduct the extension possibility of the standards establishment for NO2, O3, Asbestos, Radon, total volatile organic compounds (TVOC) excluded in the indoor air part of Industrial Safety Acts in Korea. The air pollutants were sampled for 30 office buildings from August to September, 2005 in the metropolitan area. The airborne concentrations of NO2, O3, Radon and TVOC were 0.0092 ppm, 0.0035 ppm, 0.57 pCi/L and 423 μg/m3, respectively. The management plan and reduction methods is required in the aspect of indoor air quality(IAQ) because the emission sources of those also exist in indoor as well as outdoor even though those were not exceeded the standards of the Ministry of Environment in Korea. The standard for TVOC in the new and remodeling office has to be established based on the risk assessment when hazard index exceeded "1" in the worst case scenario. In the state of art, the management of each volatile organic compounds has a difficulty due to not enough data for toxicological reference. Therefore, it is suggested that first of all, the standard for TVOC be established and then expanded to each materials for decision-making of improvement of IAQ in office.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]