In order to obtain basic reference information for the establishment of effective industrial safety programmes in migrant workers who live in Seoul and Kyungin Area, accident causes were investigated among 210 injured workers. The data were analyzed according to the USA Standards Institute and International Labour Organization method. The results obtained were as follows: 1. The major distribution of national were mostly from china(82.9%), ages are mostly between 30 and 40 years old(32%), and males are more than females, and mostly married. 2. The parts of body most frequently injured were hand and finger, foot and toe, which were 55.3% of total 210 cases. 3. According to the accident type, caught in, under or between were most frequently observed, 40.2% of the total number of injuries. 4. The most responsible source of injuries were power machine, others, moving machine and tool, building construction. 5. According to the unsafe acts, carelessness and unsafety information were most frequently observed, 66.7% of the total number of injuries. 6. There were significantly difference(p<0.05), between type of accident and source of injury, and between working period and unsafe act.