This study was aimed at rating the existing work environment noise components and alternatives in point of worker`s view. To answer the purpose, AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process) method is adopted in this research. Base on the AHP method, this research abstracts a mathematically rigorous noise components and altemative`s weights and proven process for priority and decision-making. By reconstructing complex hearing conservation programs to a series of pair-wise comparisons, and then synthesizing the results, this study not only helps establishments of noise countermeasure, but also provides a clear rationale for noise alternatives. The result of this study is summarized as follows; 1) Job satisfaction index and noise identification index are 63. 56respectively. 2) Noise level(15.7%), frequency(14.1%) and directivity(13.6%) are main reasons in worker`s ground. 3) There are some difference between the estimation of worker`s identification and that of work sites. 4) Low noise machine(14.7%), enclosure(13.2) and shielding(9.6%) are chosen for noise protection method by workers. 5) Noise environment improvement should be focused on noise source rather than personal protection. 6) By the AHP method, noise source countermeasure have a key role at work environments.