Objectives: To compare the contents of heavy metals, residual pesticides and sulfur dioxide before/after a decoction. Methods: The heavy metal contents before/after a decoction were measured by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometer (ICP-AES) and mercury analyzer. In order to analyze pesticides in 5 samples we used simultaneous multi-residue analysis of pesticides by GC/ECD, which was followed by GC/MSD analysis to confirm the identity of the detected pesticide in each sample. In addition, the contents of sulfur dioxide (SO2) were performed by Monier-Williams distillation method. Results: 1. The mean values of heavy metal contents (mg/kg) for the samples were as follows: Galgeun-tang (before decoction-Pb; 0.793, Cd; 0.133, As; 0.016 and Hg; 0.005, after decoction-Pb; 0.033, Cd; 0.004, As; 0.002 and Hg; not detected), Gumiganghwal-tang (before decoction-Pb; 0.934, Cd; 0.197, As; 0.046 and Hg; 0.006, after decoction-Pb; 0.062, Cd; 0.007, As; 0.004 and Hg; 0.0001), Sosiho-tang (before decoction-Pb; 0.891, Cd; 0.134, As; 0,091 and Hg; 0,014, after decoction-Pb; 0.036, Cd; 0.002, As; 0.004 and Hg; not detected), Ojuck-san (before decoction-Pb; 0.907, Cd; 0.136, As; 0.084 and Hg; 0.007, after decoction-Pb; 0.074, Cd; 0.007, As; 0.011 and Hg; 0.0005) and Samsoeum (before decoction-Pb; 1.234, Cd; 0.154. As; 0.016 and Hg; 0.007, after decoction-Pb; 0.094, Cd; 0.006, As; 0.002 and Hg; 0.001). 2. Contents (mg/kg) of residual pesticides before/after a decoction in all samples were not detected. 3. Contents (mg/kg) of sulfur dioxide (SO2) before a decoction in Galgeun-tang, Gumiganghwal-tang, Sosiho-tang, Ojuck-san and Samsoeum exhibited 1.2, 3.4, 11.1, 12.0 and 5.7, respectively. However, contents of sulfur dioxide after a decoction in all samples were not detected. Conclusions: These results will be used to establish a criterion of heavy metals, residual pesticides and sulfur dioxide.