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람사르(Ramsar)협약의 의의, 한계 그리고 과제
The Significance, the Limits and the Tasks of the Ramsar Convention
김홍균 ( Hong Kyun Kim )
환경법연구 vol. 30 iss. 3 205-228(24pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2012-340-000102767

There must be a reevaluation on the Ramsar Convention. Today, the Ramsar Convention is receiving great popularity which has not been expected at all when it first appeared. However, the limits and problems of the Ramsar Convention are demanding a discerning scrutiny over the Convention. Since the Convention was concluded comparably a long time ago, it is inevitable to adjust the route of the Convention determined by the changes of age. A new transformation must be prepared at this point. In order to proceed with the change, we must retrace the previously indicated problems of the Convention. Furthermore, a process to amend or supplement the problems must take place. In order for the Convention to succeed, the following operations must be enacted: i) the clarification of terminology and notion (such as, "urgent national interest", "wise use", "conservation" and "compensation"), ii) the clarification of standards and its incorporation into the Convention (such as, criteria as guidelines for the inclusion of wetlands of international importance, and "wise use"), iii) the construction of an enforcement system, iv) the assurance of financing, v) the initiation of mandatory Environmental Impact Assessment. We must act quickly as possible to save the suffering wetlands.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]