Baek SinAe had contributed to Korean literary development as a female writer and socialist in the 1930`s against colonialism. Her drive and passion for writing novels and essays had made her an outstanding woman of Korean modern writers. In chapter 1, studying history and contents of Baek SinAe novels abstracted in four ways to approach the Baek SinAe`s literature; realistic and feministic approach, rhetorical and comparative approach. These approaches helped us to learn of Baek SinAe`s literature and status as a Korean writer. l think we could not know Baek SinAe literature well without witnessing her changing consciousness of language and beauty. In Chapter 2, aspect of transformation of Baek SinAe novels were investigated in three areas associated with background of education and thought during her childhood and adolescence. In her childhood, she learned poetry from her uncle, her mother`s brother and studied orthodox Chinese classical scriptures. On the other hand, Baek SinAe`s Korean studying time in school was relatively short. She might have become accustomed to Chinese characters better than Korean ones. Also, she had tried to catch the objective reality of Korean society after 1935 and especially plotted abnormal character`s stories and sexual discrimination motifs in formalistic and psychological style. Specipically, she tried to touch upon the sensibility of married women that could be evaluated as motherhood and feministic eroticism. In the end, we should have room for the third issue of this thesis which is the possibility of a postcolonial approach in Baek SinAe`s literature, partly due to her having represented the Korean people`s poverty and resistant spirit against feudalism and colonialism. Baek SinAe`s literature study should be oriented to the modernism comprising language problem, for establishing her position in Korean literature history not only as an realistic writer but also as a experimental traditional writer.